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- /*
- GDTestClut.c
- This is used by TimeVideo; I can’t think of any reason for including it in any
- other program.
- OSErr GDTestClut(FILE *o[2],GDHandle device,short flags,VideoInfo *card);
- GDTestClut.c tests whether the video clut can be written and read faithfully,
- and saves the results in a user-supplied VideoInfo structure. The test consists
- of writing random numbers to all the clut entries, reading them back, and
- comparing. I’ve been surprised to find more than a few video drivers that fail
- this test, for various reasons.
- The bits of “flags” are tested independently. If flags&testClutQuicklyFlag then
- SetEntriesQuickly() will be tested instead of GDSetEntries/GDDirectSetEntries.
- If flags&testClutSeriallyFlag then the clut entries will be set individually,
- calling GDSetEntries once for each clut entry, to check the clut entry
- addressing. If flags&testClutLinearFlag then a simple sequence, will be loaded
- into the clut, instead of random numbers, to help figuring out systematic
- errors. The sequence is (0,0,0),(1,0,0), (0,2,0),(0,0,3),(4,4,4),(4,0,0), and so
- on.
- Returned value is zero if ok, nonzero if error occurred.
- GDTestClut recognizes the common driver errors and reports them in a sensible
- way, using the various fields of the card->depth[d].clut structure. Errors
- accumulate in the card->depth[d].clut structure, allowing you to make multiple
- calls to GDTestClut and only then summarize the results. It is important that
- you zero card->depth[d].clut.tests and card->depth[d].clutQuickly.tests before
- your first call to GDTestClut, to induce it to zero the rest of the clut
- structures.
- Assumes that GDevice record is valid, i.e. the user has not called GDSetMode().
- 3/9/93 dgp code extracted from the demo TestCluts.c, to create a reusable
- subroutine.
- 3/10/93 dgp No longer assume that GDevice record reflects the actual state of the
- driver.
- 4/5/93 dgp Add support for grayB.
- 4/19/93 dgp Fixed bug in VisibleHash that used garbage in place of
- linear color table when gdType==directType. Use GDNewLinearColorTable.
- 5/11/93 dgp GDTestClutHash now checks for valid device, in response to bug report
- by Jonathan Brecher.
- 5/18/93 dgp Allow small, 0.001, tolerance in establishing the identity transform.
- 5/25/93 dgp Increased proportion of time spent loading clut in VisibleHash().
- 9/5/94 dgp removed assumption in printf's that int==short.
- 12/29/94 dgp WriteAndReadClut now waits for vbl before reading.
- 4/8/95 dgp I introduced WAIT_FOR_VBL to enable/disable waiting for vbl between
- write and read of CLUT. I introduce the wait to see if it would
- help certain video cards pass the tests. However, in both cases
- it made no difference and the explanation turned out to be that
- cscSetGamma wasn't supported. So, in the interest of fast testing,
- I'm omitting the wait.
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- //#include <Errors.h>
- #include "GDInfo.h"
- #define WAIT_FOR_VBL 0 // 0 for no wait; 1 to wait for vbl between write & read of CLUT.
- // These functions are solely for use within this file.
- ColorSpec *MakeClutTable(GDHandle device,short flags);
- OSErr WriteClut(GDHandle device,ColorSpec putTable[],short flags);
- OSErr ShowGammaTable(FILE *o[2],GDHandle device);
- void RGBToGray(RGBColor *rgb,short dacSize);
- Boolean UnequalClutEntry(RGBColor *a,RGBColor *b,short mask);
- OSErr VisibleHash(GDHandle device,SetEntriesFunction function,short clutEntries
- ,short *hashPtr);
- void GDRestoreBlackAndWhite(GDHandle device);
- OSErr EstimateClutTransform(short flags,VideoInfo *card);
- OSErr ComputeRMSClutError(FILE *file
- ,ColorSpec *putTable,ColorSpec *getTable,short flags,VideoInfo *card);
- OSErr WriteAndReadClut(GDHandle device,short flags,ColorSpec **put,ColorSpec **get);
- #define SixteenBitGray 1
- OSErr GDTestClut(FILE *o[2],short flags,VideoInfo *card)
- {
- short i,j,clutSize,quickly,isGray;
- int error;
- ColorSpec *putTable=NULL,*getTable=NULL;
- VideoCardClutTest *clut;
- if(card->device==NULL)return 0;
- isGray=!TestDeviceAttribute(card->device,gdDevType);
- for(quickly=0;quickly<2;quickly++){
- clut=&card->depth[card->d].clut[quickly][isGray];
- if(!clut->read.tested){
- for(j=0;j<3;j++)for(i=0;i<3;i++)clut->read.rgbGain[j][i]=NAN;
- for(j=0;j<3;j++)clut->read.rgbError[j]=NAN;
- for(j=0;j<3;j++)clut->read.rgbErrorAtOnce[j]=NAN;
- clut->read.errors=0;
- clut->read.errorsAtOnce=0;
- }
- if(!clut->visual.tested){
- clut->visual.errors=0;
- clut->visual.errorsAtOnce=0;
- }
- if(!clut->hash.tested){
- clut->hash.errors=0;
- }
- }
- quickly=((flags&testClutQuicklyFlag)!=0);
- clut=&card->depth[card->d].clut[quickly][isGray];
- if(!clut->read.doTest)return 0;
- GDInfo(card);
- if(card->device==NULL)return 0;
- clutSize=card->depth[card->d].clutSize;
- error=GDSaveGamma(card->device);
- error=GDUncorrectedGamma(card->device);
- if(error)return error;
- error=EstimateClutTransform(flags&~testClutSeriallyFlag,card);
- if(error)goto done;
- error=WriteAndReadClut(card->device,flags,&putTable,&getTable);
- if(error)goto done;
- ComputeRMSClutError(o[1],putTable,getTable,flags,card);
- card->clutTested=1;
- done:
- DisposePtr((Ptr)putTable);
- DisposePtr((Ptr)getTable);
- GDRestoreGamma(card->device);
- GDRestoreDeviceClut(card->device);
- // clut->visual.doTest |= error && clut->hash.doTest;
- // if(clut->visual.doTest)error=GDTestClutVisually(flags,card);
- return error;
- }
- OSErr EstimateClutTransform(short flags,VideoInfo *card)
- {
- short i,j,tableSize,quickly,isGray;
- int error=0;
- ColorSpec *putTable,*getTable;
- VideoCardClutTest *clut;
- long putSum[3],getSum[3][3];
- unsigned short *put3,*get3;
- error=WriteAndReadClut(card->device,flags|testClutGains,&putTable,&getTable);
- if(error)return error;
- tableSize=GetPtrSize((Ptr)putTable)/sizeof(putTable[0]);
- // Estimate transformation
- for(i=0;i<3;i++){
- putSum[i]=0;
- for(j=0;j<3;j++)getSum[i][j]=0;
- }
- for(i=0;i<tableSize;i++){
- put3=(unsigned short *)&putTable[i].rgb;
- get3=(unsigned short *)&getTable[i].rgb;
- putSum[i%3]+=put3[i%3];
- for(j=0;j<3;j++)getSum[j][i%3]+=get3[j];
- }
- isGray=!TestDeviceAttribute(card->device,gdDevType);
- quickly=((flags&testClutQuicklyFlag)!=0);
- clut=&card->depth[card->d].clut[quickly][isGray];
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)for(j=0;j<3;j++){
- clut->read.rgbGain[j][i]=(double)getSum[j][i]/putSum[i];
- if(clut->read.rgbGain[j][i]!=floor(clut->read.rgbGain[j][i]))
- clut->read.rgbGain[j][i]+=0.5*tableSize/putSum[i];
- }
- DisposePtr((Ptr)putTable);
- DisposePtr((Ptr)getTable);
- return error;
- }
- OSErr WriteAndReadClut(GDHandle device,short flags,ColorSpec **put,ColorSpec **get)
- {
- short i,clutSize,tableSize;
- ColorSpec spec,*putTable,*getTable;
- VBLTaskAndA5 vbl;
- int error=0;
- clutSize=GDClutSize(device);
- *put=putTable=MakeClutTable(device,flags);
- if(putTable==NULL)return MemError();
- tableSize=GetPtrSize((Ptr)putTable)/sizeof(putTable[0]);
- *get=getTable=(ColorSpec *)NewPtr(GetPtrSize((Ptr)putTable));
- if(getTable==NULL)return MemError();
- spec.value=spec.rgb.red=spec.rgb.green=spec.rgb.blue=0;
- for(i=0;i<tableSize;i++)getTable[i]=spec;
- vbl.subroutine=NULL; // request default subroutine
- error=VBLInstall(&vbl,device,1000);
- if(error)PrintfExit("%s line %d. WriteAndReadClut:VBLInstall error %d\n"
- ,__FILE__,__LINE__,error);
- vbl.vbl.vblCount=1; // enable the interrupt service routine
- for(i=0;i<tableSize;i+=clutSize){
- error=WriteClut(device,&putTable[i],flags);
- if(error)break;
- vbl.newFrame=0;
- if(WAIT_FOR_VBL)while(vbl.newFrame==0) ; // wait until clut's been loaded before reading it
- error=GDGetEntries(device,0,clutSize-1,&getTable[i]);
- if(error)break;
- }
- VBLRemove(&vbl);
- return error;
- }
- OSErr ComputeRMSClutError(FILE *file
- ,ColorSpec *putTable,ColorSpec *getTable,short flags,VideoInfo *card)
- {
- short i,j,k,clutSize,tableSize,quickly,isGray,integralGains;
- unsigned short *put3,*get3,n[3],bad;
- double e,squaredError[3],model[3];
- VideoCardClutTest *clut;
- int error=0;
- isGray=!TestDeviceAttribute(card->device,gdDevType);
- quickly=((flags&testClutQuicklyFlag)!=0);
- clut=&card->depth[card->d].clut[quickly][isGray];
- clutSize=GDClutSize(card->device);
- tableSize=GetPtrSize((Ptr)putTable)/sizeof(putTable[0]);
- // Estimate error of linear model
- for(i=0;i<3;i++){
- squaredError[i]=0;
- n[i]=0;
- }
- bad=0;
- // Allow error of a few least significant steps of dac
- clut->read.tolerance=2.9*(1<<(16-GDDacSize(card->device)));
- for(i=0;i<tableSize;i++){
- put3=(unsigned short *)&putTable[i].rgb;
- get3=(unsigned short *)&getTable[i].rgb;
- for(j=0;j<3;j++){
- model[j]=put3[0]*clut->read.rgbGain[j][0]
- +put3[1]*clut->read.rgbGain[j][1]
- +put3[2]*clut->read.rgbGain[j][2];
- e=get3[j]-model[j];
- bad|=fabs(e)>clut->read.tolerance;
- squaredError[j]+=e*e;
- n[j]++;
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<3;i++){
- clut->read.rgbError[i]=sqrt(squaredError[i]/n[i]);
- if(!(flags&testClutSeriallyFlag))clut->read.rgbErrorAtOnce[i]=sqrt(squaredError[i]/n[i]);
- }
- clut->read.identity=1;
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)for(j=0;j<3;j++)clut->read.identity&=(fabs(clut->read.rgbGain[i][j]-(i==j))<0.001);
- if(bad){
- clut->read.errors=1;
- if(!(flags&testClutSeriallyFlag))clut->read.errorsAtOnce=1;
- }
- if(bad){
- // Print one-line error message to file.
- fprintf(file,"\n");
- if(flags&testClutQuicklyFlag)fprintf(file,"SetEntriesQuickly != cscGetEntries. ");
- else switch((*card->device)->gdType){
- case fixedType:
- break;
- case clutType:
- fprintf(file,"cscSetEntries != cscGetEntries. ");
- break;
- case directType:
- fprintf(file,"cscDirectSetEntries != cscGetEntries. ");
- break;
- }
- fprintf(file,"%d-bit ",(int)card->depth[card->d].pixelSize);
- if(isGray)fprintf(file,"gray pixels.");
- else fprintf(file,"color pixels.");
- if(flags&testClutSeriallyFlag)fprintf(file," Loaded one clut entry at a time.\n");
- else fprintf(file," Loaded whole clut at once.\n");
- // Print the estimated color transformation matrix
- fprintf(file,"\"expected\" assumes the best-fit linear color transformation matrix:\n");
- integralGains=1;
- for(j=0;j<3;j++)for(k=0;k<3;k++)
- integralGains&=(clut->read.rgbGain[j][k]==floor(clut->read.rgbGain[j][k]));
- for(j=0;j<3;j++){
- fprintf(file," (%cOut±%4.1f%%)%c"
- ,"RGB"[j],clut->read.rgbError[j]*100./USHRT_MAX," = "[j]);
- if(integralGains)fprintf(file,"(%1.0f %1.0f %1.0f)"
- ,clut->read.rgbGain[j][0],clut->read.rgbGain[j][1],clut->read.rgbGain[j][2]);
- else fprintf(file,"(%3.2f %3.2f %3.2f)"
- ,clut->read.rgbGain[j][0],clut->read.rgbGain[j][1],clut->read.rgbGain[j][2]);
- fprintf(file,"%c(%cIn)\n"," x "[j],"RGB"[j]);
- }
- // Print each clut error.
- for(i=0;i<tableSize;i++){
- put3=(unsigned short *)&putTable[i].rgb;
- get3=(unsigned short *)&getTable[i].rgb;
- bad=0;
- for(j=0;j<3;j++){
- model[j]=put3[0]*clut->read.rgbGain[j][0]
- +put3[1]*clut->read.rgbGain[j][1]
- +put3[2]*clut->read.rgbGain[j][2];
- e=get3[j]-model[j];
- bad|=fabs(e)>clut->read.tolerance;
- }
- if(0 && bad)fprintf(file,"Clut[%3d] wrote(%04u,%04u,%04u) "
- "expected(%04.0f,%04.0f,%04.0f) but read(%04u,%04u,%04u)\n"
- ,i%clutSize,put3[0],put3[1],put3[2]
- ,model[0],model[1],model[2]
- ,get3[0],get3[1],get3[2]);
- if(bad)fprintf(file,"Clut[%3d] wrote(%04x,%04x,%04x) "
- "expected(%04x,%04x,%04x) but read(%04x,%04x,%04x)\n"
- ,i%clutSize,put3[0],put3[1],put3[2]
- ,(unsigned short)(0.5+model[0]),(unsigned short)(0.5+model[1]),(unsigned short)(0.5+model[2])
- ,get3[0],get3[1],get3[2]);
- }
- fprintf(file,"\n");
- }
- clut->read.tested=1;
- return error;
- }
- OSErr GDTestClutVisually(short flags,VideoInfo *card)
- {
- int error;
- short clutSize,quickly,isGray;
- ColorSpec *putTable,*normalTable;
- Boolean weirdError,normalError;
- VideoCardClutTest *clut;
- isGray=!TestDeviceAttribute(card->device,gdDevType);
- quickly=((flags&testClutQuicklyFlag)!=0);
- clut=&card->depth[card->d].clut[quickly][isGray];
- if(clut->visual.tested==0){
- clut->visual.errors=0;
- clut->visual.errorsAtOnce=0;
- }
- if(card->device==NULL)return 0;
- clutSize=GDClutSize(card->device);
- normalTable=((**(**(**card->device).gdPMap).pmTable)).ctTable;
- if(card->device==GetMainDevice())
- putTable=MakeClutTable(card->device,testClutNegativeFlag);
- else putTable=MakeClutTable(card->device,flags);
- if(putTable==NULL)return MemError();
- GDSaveGamma(card->device);
- GDUncorrectedGamma(card->device);
- error=WriteClut(card->device,putTable,flags);
- if(error){
- GDRestoreGamma(card->device);
- GDRestoreDeviceClut(card->device);
- return error;
- }
- printf(BLANKLINE);
- printf("Screen should be weirdly colored; watch for subtle change as you hit return:" "\r");
- while(getcharUnbuffered()==-1) ;
- error=WriteClut(card->device,putTable,0);
- if(error){
- GDRestoreGamma(card->device);
- GDRestoreDeviceClut(card->device);
- return error;
- }
- printf(BLANKLINE);
- printf("Did you see any change at all?");
- weirdError=YesOrNo(0);
- printf("\r");
- error=WriteClut(card->device,normalTable,flags);
- printf(BLANKLINE);
- printf("Screen should be normal now; watch for subtle change as you hit return:" "\r");
- while(getcharUnbuffered()==-1) ;
- error=WriteClut(card->device,normalTable,0);
- printf(BLANKLINE);
- printf("Did you see any change at all?");
- normalError=YesOrNo(0);
- printf("\r");
- GDRestoreGamma(card->device);
- GDRestoreDeviceClut(card->device);
- DisposePtr((Ptr)putTable);
- clut->visual.tested++;
- clut->visual.errors+=(weirdError || normalError);
- if(!(flags&testClutSeriallyFlag))clut->visual.errorsAtOnce+=(weirdError || normalError);
- return 0;
- }
- ColorSpec *MakeClutTable(GDHandle device,short flags)
- {
- short i,j,clutSize;
- RGBColor put;
- ColorSpec *table;
- clutSize=GDClutSize(device);
- if((flags&testClutGains) && clutSize<16)clutSize=16;
- table=(ColorSpec *)NewPtr(sizeof(*table)*clutSize);
- if(table==NULL)return table;
- for(i=0;i<clutSize;i++) {
- if(flags&testClutNegativeFlag){
- put=((**(**(**device).gdPMap).pmTable)).ctTable[clutSize-1-i].rgb;
- }else if(flags&testClutGains){
- // Estimate rgb gains of any transformation
- put.red=put.green=put.blue=0;
- j=(0xffffL*i+(clutSize-1)/2)/(clutSize-1);
- switch(i%3){
- case 0:
- put.red=j;
- break;
- case 1:
- put.green=j;
- break;
- case 2:
- put.blue=j;
- break;
- }
- }else if(flags&testClutLinearFlag){
- // Linear test pattern
- put.red=put.green=put.blue=0;
- j=0xffffffff*(i+(clutSize-1)/2)/(clutSize-1);
- switch(i%4){
- case 0:
- put.red=put.green=put.blue=j;
- break;
- case 1:
- put.red=j;
- break;
- case 2:
- put.green=j;
- break;
- case 3:
- put.blue=j;
- break;
- }
- }else{
- // Random test pattern
- put.red=randU();
- put.green=randU();
- put.blue=randU();
- }
- if(!SixteenBitGray){
- put.red&=0xff00;
- put.green&=0xff00;
- put.blue&=0xff00;
- }
- table[i].rgb=put;
- }
- return table;
- }
- OSErr WriteClut(GDHandle device,ColorSpec putTable[],short flags)
- {
- short i,clutSize=GDClutSize(device);
- char priority=7;
- int error;
- SetEntriesFunction function;
- if(flags&testClutQuicklyFlag)function=SetEntriesQuickly;
- else function=GDSetEntriesByType;
- if(flags&testClutSeriallyFlag){
- // Load one clut entry at a time
- for(i=0;i<clutSize;i++){
- SwapPriority(&priority); // Force driver to load clut now.
- error=(function)(device,i,0,&putTable[i]);
- SwapPriority(&priority);
- if(error)return error;
- }
- }else{
- // Load whole clut at once
- SwapPriority(&priority); // Force driver to load clut now.
- error=(function)(device,0,clutSize-1,putTable);
- SwapPriority(&priority);
- if(error)return error;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- OSErr GDTestClutHash(short flags,VideoInfo *card){
- SetEntriesFunction function;
- int error;
- short isGray,quickly;
- VideoCardClutTest *clut;
- if(card->device==NULL)return 0;
- quickly=((flags&testClutQuicklyFlag)!=0);
- isGray=!TestDeviceAttribute(card->device,gdDevType);
- clut=&card->depth[card->d].clut[quickly][isGray];
- if(clut->hash.tested==0)clut->hash.errors=0;
- if(!clut->hash.doTest)return 0;
- if(quickly)function=SetEntriesQuickly;
- else function=GDSetEntriesByType;
- error=VisibleHash(card->device,function,0,&clut->hash.errors);
- clut->hash.tested=1;
- return error;
- }
- OSErr VisibleHash(GDHandle device,SetEntriesFunction function,short clutEntries
- ,short *hashPtr)
- {
- int error;
- short clutSize;
- short hash;
- long tick;
- ColorSpec *putTable,*linearTable=NULL;
- if(device==NULL || (**device).gdType==fixedType)return 0;
- clutSize=GDClutSize(device);
- if(clutEntries<0 || clutEntries>clutSize)return 1;
- if(clutEntries==0)clutEntries=clutSize;
- if((**device).gdType==directType){
- if(function==GDSetEntries)function=GDDirectSetEntries;
- putTable=linearTable=GDNewLinearColorTable(device);
- if(linearTable==NULL)return MemError();
- }else putTable=((**(**(**device).gdPMap).pmTable)).ctTable;
- error=(function)(device,0,clutEntries-1,putTable);
- if(!error){
- printf(BLANKLINE);
- if(device==GetMainDevice())
- printf("Do you see any dynamic black specks on this screen? (No):");
- else printf("Do you see any dynamic black specks on the test screen? (No):");
- fflush(stdout);
- do{
- tick=TickCount();
- do{
- (function)(device,0,clutEntries-1,putTable);
- }while(TickCount()-tick<30);
- }while(!kbhit());
- hash=YesOrNo(0);
- printf("\r");
- if(linearTable!=NULL)DisposePtr((Ptr)linearTable);
- if(hashPtr!=NULL)*hashPtr=hash;
- }
- return error;
- }
- void GDRestoreBlackAndWhite(GDHandle device)
- // Restore the first & last clut entries to white and black.
- {
- short clutSize;
- int error;
- ColorSpec white={255,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff},black={0,0,0,0};
- clutSize=GDClutSize(device);
- switch((**device).gdType){
- case clutType:
- error=GDSetEntries(device,0,0,&white);
- error=GDSetEntries(device,clutSize-1,0,&black-(clutSize-1));
- break;
- case directType:
- error=GDDirectSetEntries(device,0,0,&black);
- error=GDDirectSetEntries(device,clutSize-1,0,&white-(clutSize-1));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- Boolean UnequalClutEntry(RGBColor *a,RGBColor *b,short mask)
- {
- return (a->red&mask)!=(b->red&mask)
- ||(a->green&mask)!=(b->green&mask)
- ||(a->blue&mask)!=(b->blue&mask);
- }
- /*
- When you set a video screen to monochrome or "gray" (as opposed to "color"),
- e.g. using the Control Panel:Monitors, the request is passed on to the video
- driver. The video driver transforms each of your rgb triplets to a
- luminance-equivalent gray, using a formula that must be very similar, if not
- equivalent, to the code below. The rounding is bad, e.g. any gray rgb triplet
- (i,i,i), other than (0,0,0), is transformed to (i-1,i-1,i-1), which is darker,
- failing to preserve luminance. However, my goal was to replicate Apple's crumby
- transformation, not to improve it. I presume that the reason that I have to trim
- my numbers down a tad (-0.00001) is that I'm doing this with 80-bit precision
- whereas the driver uses the 64-bit precision of the SANE routines. Presumably I
- could obtain the same result by compiling this subroutine separately, to use
- 64-bit floating point, since all the arguments are ints.
- */
- void RGBToGray(RGBColor *rgb,short dacSize)
- // Empirical formula to replicate Apple's luminance mapping.
- {
- short i,shift;
- unsigned long n;
- if(!SixteenBitGray){
- shift=16-dacSize;
- i=(rgb->red>>shift)*(0.30-0.00001)
- +(rgb->green>>shift)*(0.59-0.00001)+(rgb->blue>>shift)*(0.11);
- n=0xffffffffUL/((1<<dacSize)-1);
- rgb->red=rgb->green=rgb->blue=(i*n)>>16;
- }else{
- rgb->red=rgb->green=rgb->blue=rgb->red*(0.30-0.00001)
- +rgb->green*(0.59)+rgb->blue*(0.11-0.00001);
- }
- }